Department of Medicine of the Justus-Liebig-University Gießen

The Justus Liebig University of Giessen joined UCAN and the Assessment Network in 2010 after initial contacts had already been made in previous years. After reviewing and testing several exam and test systems, a membership of UCAN proved to be the best solution for the purposes in Giessen. In Giessen, almost all written exams are now created with the help of the ItemManagementSystem (IMS) and carried out paper-based together with the corresponding scanner system KLAUS. This results in an immensely large examination volume. Electronic exams are currently only held in selected scenarios, among others as tool in OSCE situations or as digital pre-tests using ILIAS. The EXAMINATOR is also used intensively for quality assurance. In OSCE exams, case simulations on tablets are also used and also serve as uniform exam documentation.


UCAN-Partner since 2010