ItemManagmentSystem (IMS)
Why spend hours writing a new item when there is already an excellent question that has been reviewed by colleagues from all over the world?
The ItemManagementSystem (IMS) is the backbone of our UCAN modular system. Write, manage and share your items. Create your own exam in a flash and use the built-in review function as well as test statistical values for quality management.
Create, manage, review and share items and exams
State-of-the-art quality assurance through review and test statistics
Integrated, locally adaptable review checklists
Blueprinting as an aid in the preparation of exams
Interfaces to other systems (e.g. export to document reading systems, electronic assessment systems, import of existing data into assessment management systems)
Technical and legal safety
100% compatible with other UCAN Tools
Create your Items
Create your Items
Log in wherever you are right now.
Choose from an extensive list of item and question types.
Add pictures, audio files and videos from your personal media library to items with ease.
Do you already have your own pool of questions? The IMS has an import function with which you can easily import your questions into the database.
Manage your Items
The search function helps you to quickly find and edit items within the question pool.
Customize your personal IMS user account according to your needs. The IMS remembers your settings!
Use the pool filter to determine whether you want to store your items in a personal area or whether you want to share them with your colleagues
Share your Items
Cooperation and exchange are the basic principles of UCAN. Benefit from the knowledge of others, share your expertise and select the items for the next exam on the basis of the review values or the statistical indicators.
Manage your exams
Create your Exams
Use the Drag & Drop function to merge your items (incl. media files) into one exam.
The integrated blueprint system helps you to create the exam.
With just one click, the IMS creates different versions of the same exam for you (permutation of questions & answers).
Export your exam to the format you prefer for the exam: simple paper printing, scanner-readable sheets or electronic formats on desktop computer and tablet.
Manage your Exams
The search function helps you to quickly find and edit your exams in the item pool.
Use the pool filter to decide for yourself whether and for whom you want to unlock your exam!
Share your Exams
As an umbrella organisation of various assessment networks, we are firmly convinced of the importance of cooperation and sharing of resources as basic principles for modern examinations. Share your items and exams with colleagues and save time in exam preparation.
Manage different Item and Question Types
Type A:
Single Choice
Choose the right solution from 3 to 6 distractors.
Type A negativ:
Single Choice
Have a false statement selected from several possible answers (3-6).
Correct / Wrong Task
Let each answer option (4-6) decide individually whether it applies or not.
Multiple choice
Let several statements choose from a maximum of 26 possible answers.
Do several PickN questions have the same answer options? Save your answers in a separate list (ShortMenu) and retrieve them easily from the question.
Replace open-text answers or cloze questions with Long_Menu.
Define a list of terms so that students can choose an answer option after entering 3 letters.
Query number intervals!
Open Text:
Ask an open question without specifying answer options.
Note: this question type cannot be evaluated automatically!
Hot Spot:
Have a certain point marked on a picture.
The evaluation is based on a self-defined threshold value of the area.
Region of Interest:
Have one or more areas marked on an image.
The evaluation is based on a self-defined threshold value of the area.
Star-shaped case template:
Ask several independent questions about a case vignette.
Take advantage of the variety of different question types!
Ask several interrelated questions about a case vignette and use the variety of different question types.
Structured oral task:
Divide your oral examination into several subject areas and define a question as well as an expectation horizon for each area.
Conduct your OSCE either in written or tablet-based.
Ask several consecutive questions about a case vignette and evaluate your performance using a checklist.
Extended Matching:
Ask several questions about an answer list.
Manage your Reviews
Good reviews of items and exams can be very time-consuming and complex. Nevertheless they are very important for quality assurance. Studies have shown that the IMS, with its adaptable review functions, can help to simplify reviews and thereby the number of reviews increases.
Perform your Reviews
Carry out your review in the IMS either as an individual review or together with your colleagues as a group session.
Adapt the review checklist according to your institution’s needs and circumstances or apply existing standardized review checklists.
Manage your Reviews
The review results are automatically stored in the IMS pool and assigned to the item accordingly.
Select a reviewed item for the next exam apart from the test statistical values in the IMS.
Manage your Classification
Text will follow shortly.
Manage your Blueprints
Cover a defined range of learning objectives in your written exam and put it together in a structured way.
Use the integrated Blueprint system as your personal assistant when creating exams.
No matter whether you want to create a content blueprint based on your individual classification or an evaluation blueprint – with the IMS you have full control!
Manage your entire audit program
Text will follow shortly.
Manage your Teststatistics
The Examinator2 calculates key parameters for you, such as difficulty, discriminatory power and discrimination index. Since all UCAN modules are 100% compatible with each other, the obtained data can be directly imported back into the IMS database, where it can be retrieved as additional information to the questions.
In this way, other users of the items in the public pool can include the results of the test statistical evaluation in the selection of their items.