Why manually correct a large number of tests and accept the time expenditure? With scanner-based paper sheets you already have the evaluation within a few minutes!

Based on the number of examinees and the desired question type, many decide for examinations with scanner-readable paper sheets. The answer options are crossed on paper sheets and afterwards scanned and evaluated. This saves you far more than half of the time required for correction!
Creation of exams in IMS with e.g. different question types, pictures, graphics, etc.
Easy export of the exam into scanner-readable paper sheets
Transparent correction processes with revision functions in Examinator2
Compatibility of all UCAN tools with common scanner systems
Create Exams in IMS
Create your exam easily in the ItemManagementSystem.
Use classic single and multiple choice questions, Kprime or open text tasks and add images, graphics, diagrams, formulas or equations as required.
Export exams to Scanner Sheets
Scan the paper sheets with commercially available hardware.
For example, use the scanner system EDGAR, whose license is included in the UCAN membership.
Quickly assemble the results calculated automatically.
Import back again
With one click you can import the results back into the IMS and use them for further test statistics such as discriminatory power, calculations of the relative pass mark, etc.
Scanner-System EDGAR
EDGAR is an assessment program developed by the German company BLUBBSOFT.
BLUBBSOFT can look back on many years of experience with technically safe testing.
EDGAR stands for high-speed scanning and processing of test sheets as well as a very high identification rate.
Further information about BLUBBSOFT can be found here.