Give feedback and optimize learning processes for your students!

While conventional written examinations are often already integrated into the examination system, the aPORTFOLIO (a=Assessment) also provides innovative examination formats for examiners in a convenient way. The portfolio can be used to evaluate student performance that is not recorded classically (e.g. patient reports, Encountercards, MiniCEX, …).



  • Evaluation of patient reports, encounter cards, MiniCEX, DOPS, 360° feedback, multisource feedback, presentations, video analysis and videos with annotations

  • Annotation of videos: Storage of self-selected video times under consideration of predefined evaluation category

Patient Report

Text will follow shortly.


Text will follow shorty.


Text will follow shorty.


Text will follow shorty.

Video Analysis

Text will follow shorty.

Video Annotation

  • Storage of self-selected video sequenzes under consideration of predefined evaluation categories.